• Will I require customs clearance?

    All goods destined for or originating from a non-EU country will require UK customs clearance, which is a compulsory process which all drivers will be required to comply with in order to use the Eurotunnel le shuttle.

    What UK customs clearance will I need?

    All drivers will need to provide their shipping document, supplier’s commercial invoice and packing list.

    Depending on the goods you are carrying, you may be required to present additional information, such as a certificate of origin, preference certificates or a certificate of authenticity.

    Drivers should always check in advance what documentation is required for customs clearance in order to avoid unnecessary delays.

    Where is my nearest UK customs office?

     Customs clearance when crossing the Channel

    Goods can be processed at Stop 24 Folkestone services located at junction 11 off the M20.


    For more information


    Channel Customs

    Visit channelports.co.uk or call +44 (0) 1304 203 105.

    Harbour Shipping

    Visit www.harbourshipping.co.uk or call +44 (0) 1304 200 923.