(1) No person, other than a person authorised for the purpose by Eurotunnel, shall enter or climb on -
(a) any part or any shuttle train to which for the time being members of the public are not permitted to have access or
(b) any vehicle or other equipment used or provided for servicing, maintaining or repairing any shuttle train, track, road or other facility in or part of the tunnel system.
(2) No person, other than a person authorised for the purpose by Eurotunnel, shall operate, move, alter, tamper or interfere with or obstruct or prevent the operation of –
(a) any telephone or other telecommunications equipment or apparatus
(b) any lift, escalator, conveyor belt or power operated gangway
(c) any switch, lever or device or
(d) any other mechanical, electrical, electronic or other equipment or apparatus
Which is provided for use in or in connection with, any shuttle train or shuttle service or the operation of any other part of the tunnel system, except that
(i) in the case of an emergency, any such equipment or apparatus which is provided for use in an emergency may be used for that purpose in accordance with any instructions displayed on or near it and
(ii) in the case of heating, ventilating or lighting equipment or apparatus which is provided for use and intended to be operated by passengers on a shuttle train, it may be so operated for the purpose for which it is provided in accordance with any instructions displayed on or near it
(3) No person shall obstruct or disrupt the operation, maintenance or use of any part of the tunnel system.
(4) No person, other than a person authorised for the purpose by Eurotunnel, shall
(a) remove, displace or alter any part of the structure or fabric of the tunnel system or any fixture, fitting, furnishing, notice or other property comprised in or provided for or in connection with the tunnel system or
(b) erect or place on any part of the tunnel system any structure or property.
(5) No person, other than a person authorised for the purpose by Eurotunnel, shall
(a) write, draw, paint, carve or make any mark on:
(b) affix any bill, poster or sticker to
(c) soil, deface or defile
Any wall, window, door, floor, fixture, fitting, furnishing other structure, notice, surface or part of or in any shuttle train or any other part of the tunnel system.