Q: Where can I find all the relevant guidance from UK and French governments?
UK government:
FR government:
Q: Do I need to have 2 EORI numbers, one for the UK and one for the EU?
A: Yes, both EORI numbers are required. However, it may be necessary to check if these have already been obtained by your customers. Note that Eurotunnel does no need to know EORI numbers.
Q: What Border information will my drivers be required to present when crossing with Eurotunnel from 1st January 2022?
A: The following information will be required to cross the border:
- Customs references (e.g. Transit MRN barcodes, Goods Movement Reference – GMR…)
- Mandatory sanitary certificates (if not prelodged digitally by the Trader/Custom Broker)
- Safety and security references (e.g ENS/ICS, ECS…)
Click on the link to view Drivers’ requirements to cross with Eurotunnel:
Q: In which systems do I need to declare?
A: Click on the link to view Who/What/Where/For Whom?
Q: What are the codes to use in NCTS between UK and EU under transit?
A: For a FOCA transit declaration in NCTS, the French Customs office code is FR620001.
The French Customs office code to use for Fish/Seafood in transit to Boulogne is FR000630, which is dedicated to the Boulogne SIVEP.
For goods travelling from EU to UK under transit, the code is GB000060 – More info here
These codes are just for travel when using NCTS, so there are not codes for non-transit travel
Q: What are the requirements if the truck carries goods subject to Sanitary or Phytosanitary controls?
A: For French sanitary authorities, before travelling in EU import, either the driver must have the sanitary certificates on board or haulier has to be sure that the digital sanitary certificate has been sent with the relevant DCSE through TRACES NT. At the Pit Stop, your driver will have to declare to the Eurotunnel Pit stop agent that they are carrying such goods. They will then be required to proceed to the Centre Douane SIVEP in Coquelles after the crossing where the relevant certificates will be requested by the SIVEP agents.
For UK authorities, GMR will include also sanitary references for both UK import and export as of 1st July 2022.
Q: How will it work for empty vehicles?
A: The empty
vehicle definition is either a vehicle 100% empty or a vehicle with no load but
having reusable packaging (e.g. crates, plastic trays, …). The process is
defined by customs authorities.
For French
authorities, you have to notify Eurotunnel if the vehicle is empty either at
Pit stop or on the Border Pass. However, note that a customs declaration has to
be made for reusable packaging and can be used several times.
See the details
in the French customs guide :
Preparing for Brexit customs guidelines (English version - p45-46)
For UK
authorities, you have to declare if the vehicle is empty in GVMS to get your
GMR (mandatory from 1st January 2022) and then present your GMR to Eurotunnel
either at Pit stop or notify it in the Border Pass. Please note that a customs declaration has to
be made for reusable packaging. More info, click here.
Q: Do I have to confirm to the authorities that the goods have arrived in the country?
A: No. The authorities will be informed directly by Eurotunnel when the vehicle has crossed.
Q: What is an envelope code?
A: If you have multiple declarations with different barcodes, French customs have developed a solution whereby you can generate one single barcode (envelope code) thus grouping the declarations and saving time in scanning documents. More info, click here.
Q: Does my vehicle need to have an EU Export declaration even if an Import UK declaration has already been made?
A: From 01/01/2021
For UK authorities (UK Import) GMR is required only for goods travelling under Transit (CTC).
For French authorities (EU Export) references of export documents are required including Transit.
From 01/01/2022
For UK authorities (UK Import) GMR is required for all vehicles even if empty or postal.
For French authorities (EU Export) references of export documents are required including Transit.
Q: Does my vehicle need to have an UK Export declaration even if an EU Import declaration has already been done?
A: From 01/01/2021
For UK authorities (UK Export) GMR is required only for goods travelling under Transit (CTC).
For French authorities (EU Import) references of import documents are required including Transit.
From 01/01/2022
For UK authorities (UK Export) GMR is required for all vehicles even if empty or postal.
For French authorities (EU Import) references of import documents are required including Transit.
Q: What do customers need to do for ‘Safety & Security Declarations’ relating to movements of goods and what is Eurotunnel’s involvement in the process?
A: ‘Safety & Security Declarations’ are the responsibility of the Haulier. They are not the responsibility of the Shipper(s) or the Customs Broker(s).
For UK Authorities: they will be included in the GMR meaning that relevant Safety and &Security Declarations have to be declared through the GVMS (Export from UK and Import to UK) as of 1st July 2022.
For FR Authorities (Douane):
- Import to EU – this formality is called ICS (Import Control System). The Haulier has to declare ICS information - by EDI only - to the French Douane. To be done through an ICS IT service provider certified by French Douane (see link and attached list)
- Export from EU – no need for declaration (up to now). Customs formalities are sufficient: i.e. T-Form for Transit regime and/or EAD for conventional customs regime
Eurotunnel is not involved in this process: we neither collect nor control any of these Safety & Security Declarations.
Please click here to view the certified ICS IT service providers.
Q. How can I request assistance from French Customs to close an MRN?
A: Please click on this link, enter your contact details, select “DELTAXIMPORT” or “DELTAXEXPORT" and submit (website currently available in French – English translation in progress).