33million Trucks: Eurotunnel Le Shuttle Freight Celebrates Cargo Milestone


More than 700million tonnes of goods have been transported aboard Truck Shuttles since 19941

12 July 2022, LONDON - Eurotunnel Le Shuttle Freight, the most convenient, cost-effective, and less emissive way2 to transport trucks between the UK and continental Europe, announces a milestone as its 33 millionth truck crossed the Channel aboard its Shuttle on Monday 12 July 2022.

The 33 millionth truck belongs to NORDFROST, the biggest German frozen and chilled food transporter to the UK and an historical customer, using the service since the opening. The driver, Rene Schwarze, has been driving for over 13 years and in that time has used the Eurotunnel Le Shuttle Freight service over 2,500 times, supplying fresh food to leading UK retailers.

Since 1994, more than 700million tonnes of goods have been transported via the tunnel aboard one of the 15 Truck Shuttles, - 800m long, carrying up to 32 trucks and travelling at a speed of 140km/h for a 35-minute journey.

As a true vital link in many supply chains, Eurotunnel Le Shuttle Freight carries 25% of the goods entering the UK thanks to the speed, ease and flexibility of the service with up to 6 departures per hour.

Continually innovating to enhance the Short Strait crossing, the Eurotunnel Border Pass service is growing in popularity with more than 40% of the clients using it. The digital wallet, which won the Best Innovation award, for its Eurotunnel Border Pass, at the SITL 2021 Exhibition (Transport and Logistics Innovation Week), makes it possible to exchange information necessary for the passage of goods from the carrier, via digital communications to the authorities of both countries, in a rapid and secure manner.

Christian Dufermont, Freight Commercial Director at Eurotunnel said: “Since 1994, we have seen a growing appetite for our service and are always looking at ways we continually improve efficiency and speed. It is incredible we have already hit a 33 million milestone and we are looking forward to celebrating our next.”

Rene Schwarze, driver for Nordfrost said: “I cross the Channel several times a week. It’s such a quick service and I’m thrilled to have been named number 33million.

1 700m tonnes calculated by using 20-26 tonnes per truck, based on an average 70% capacity / 30% empty
2 According to the Carbon 4 study, a lorry on a Shuttle emits 12 times less than on a ferry